
Friendly and Accessible Legal Assistance to Help You Protect Your Future Assets

Planificación Patrimonial

Abogados experimentados y competentes para ayudarle a elaborar un plan patrimonial integral.

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To book a free consultation, please call our office at (208) 920-6140.

The phrase “last will and testament” may seem formal and antiquated, but the name makes one thing clear: the document is literally your last word after you pass. A will is a way you can tell your family and your friends how you felt about them in life by giving them the gifts of your assets after you’re gone. The way you divide things and the people that inherit your possessions is entirely up to you, and these are all things you will establish in your formal document. 

Creating a Will

The legal process of creating a will may seem complicated, but Davillier Law Group is here to help. The  will attorneys at our firm provide friendly and accessible legal assistance to help you build a will, as well as any necessary additional documents, that aligns with your interests so that you can feel at peace about you and your loved ones’ future.

In a will, you can:

 Specify the people and organizations you would like to leave your property to;

  • Name a personal guardian to care for any minor children you are leaving behind;
  • Name a trusted person to manage the property you leave to your minor children;
  • Name a personal representative to make sure that the terms of your will are carried out;
  • and much more, tailored to your situation.

Living Wills

A last will and testament isn’t the only document you should have. A living will is also useful for expressing your wishes in the case that you are at imminent risk of death and are incapable of expressing your wishes as to your end-of-life care decisions. Combined with a medical or healthcare power of attorney, a living will can offer you peace of mind that what you want to happen will happen, even if you are not conscious or capable of making the decision at the time.

Let Davillier Law Group Help You Make a Will

Will law can become complicated to understand at times, even with relatively simple estates. For instance, family situations or your specific wishes might not be straightforward. Even if you feel like you have a comparatively straightforward will, the legal language must accurately encapsulate these wishes in order to be carried out appropriately.

The will attorneys at Davillier Law Group will carefully analyze your wishes and ensure that the language of your last will and testament protects you and your family.

Will Lawyers you Can Trust

Don’t delay in creating your will. No matter what stage you are at in life, having a will can offer peace of mind for your future that your loved ones will be taken care of, and your property distributed according to your wishes.

Speak with the will attorneys at Davillier Law Group to get the trustworthy answers you need to your legal questions. The lawyers at our firm have the experience, wisdom, and motivation to help you make the right choice for you and your family.

Consultas Gratuitas

Cada individuo es diferente. Ofrecemos consultas gratuitas para determinar su situación particular y recomendar los servicios que mejor se adapten a sus necesidades.

Para reservar una consulta gratuita, llame a nuestra oficina al (208) 920-6140 o complete el formulario a continuación.


También conocido como “testamento vital”, este es un documento que especifica cómo desea distribuir sus bienes después de su muerte. Los testamentos seguros y bien elaborados deben dar cuenta de los bienes y posibles herederos de cada individuo y anticipar los desafíos a la autenticidad y legitimidad del documento.


Los fideicomisos requieren más trabajo para crear y mantener, pero pueden usarse para darle al otorgante más control sobre cómo se usarán y distribuirán sus activos. Para algunas personas, ciertos tipos de fideicomisos pueden permitir la distribución de activos a los beneficiarios y al mismo tiempo protegerlos de sucesiones, registros públicos, acreedores e impuestos.

Protección de Activos

Sus herederos no son los únicos que pueden tener derechos sobre sus bienes, y hay muchas maneras en que esos bienes pueden agotarse: acreedores, impuestos, Medicaid. sucesiones, juicios y más. Tomar decisiones cuidadosas y elaborar los instrumentos legales correctos puede ayudarlo a minimizar estos costos y preservar su patrimonio para sus seres queridos.

Poder notarial duradero, de atención médica y financiero

Un instrumento legal que otorga autoridad limitada a un “agente”, generalmente un pariente cercano o un amigo, para actuar en su nombre. Este es un paso fundamental para garantizar que se gestionen sus asuntos y se respeten sus deseos cuando no pueda expresar claramente sus deseos en el futuro debido al deterioro de su salud.