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Two Davillier Law Group Attorneys join the Supreme Court Bar

Jun 17, 2024

Mauricio Cardona and Allen Shoff, attorneys at our Sandpoint branch, have officially been admitted to the Supreme Court Bar. They join fellow DLG attorneys George Wentz, Charles Zimmer, and Alexander Kolodin as members of the bar of the highest court in the United States.

Congratulations, Mauricio and Allen!

Mauricio Cardona is a member of the Davillier Law Group in our Sandpoint, Idaho office. He practices in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, exempted securities, FCPA compliance, due diligence for complex commercial transactions, energy law, government law, as well as general business advice. Mr. Cardona has helped clients structure offerings that raised tens of millions of dollars, conducted due diligence for multimillion dollar international transactions, conducted internal investigations for multinational companies facing FCPA compliance issues, and helped numerous businesses to establish governance protocols and management companies to reduce owner exposure.

Mr. Cardona received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Iowa College of Law where he received the University of Iowa’s Philip G. Hubbard Human Rights Award for his work to establish the Center for Worker Justice. He also received the Dean’s Award in Contracts and Sales Transactions and worked as an Immigration Fellow at the University of Iowa’s Legal Clinic. He interned with Briggs and Morgan and Excel Energy in Minneapolis. Mr. Cardona also served on the Dean’s Advisory Council on Diversity, the Pro Bono Society, as the president of the Latino Law Student Association and vice president of the International Law Society.

Mr. Cardona holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Colorado and a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Bradley University. Before his legal studies he worked as an account executive for an international manufacturing company with significant exposure to GSA programs and compliance. Mr. Cardona was also a project coordinator for a design-build contractor specializing in the energy industry and proof of concept facilities. During that time Mr. Cardona developed a reputation for his customer-centered approach and ability to coordinate design, manufacturing, delivery and after sale services for his clients.

After receiving his Juris Doctor, Mr. Cardona became a staff attorney for a Christian non-profit representing clients in immigration proceedings. He then joined the Dane County District Attorney’s Office where he prosecuted thousands of cases and tried over thirty of them, ranging from non-criminal Operating While Intoxicated to the biggest Possession with Intent to Deliver synthetic cannabinoids case in Wisconsin’s history. Mr. Cardona also represented the State in Dane County’s Operating While Intoxicated and Diversion Drug specialty courts.

Currently Mr. Cardona is a Commissioner in the Idaho Governor’s Commission on Hispanic Affairs, a board member of the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club and Bonner Classical Academy, the Vice President of the Sandpoint Community Resource Envision Center, and a founding member and Vice President of the Idaho St. Thomas More Society.

Mr. Cardona is licensed in Idaho and admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the District of Idaho, in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and in Idaho state courts, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States. He is a member of the Idaho Mediation Association, is registered as a civil case mediator through the Idaho Supreme Court, and is a FINRA arbitrator.

Mr. Cardona is a native Spanish speaker and fluent in English.

Allen J. Shoff is a senior associate with the Davillier Law Group in our Sandpoint, Idaho office. He practices in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, constitutional law, government law, land use and real estate. Mr. Shoff received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Idaho College of Law. During his time at the College of Law, he was an active member of the Federalist Society, serving a term as the Vice President for Advertising and Marketing, and interned at the Clearwater County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for two years. Mr. Shoff holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Hillsdale College.

After completing his legal studies, Mr. Shoff served for approximately five years as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Canyon County, Idaho, with two years as criminal prosecutor and three as a civil attorney representing the Board of County Commissioners and their departments. During his time at Canyon County he prosecuted several thousand cases and took multiple to trial, while serving as co-counsel and primary author for motion practice on several major felonies and civil litigation.

Mr. Shoff left Canyon County at the opportunity to move to the beautiful Sandpoint area, working for several months in private practice before co-founding an Idaho-based web design and hosting firm. He started with the Davillier Law Group in 2021.

Mr. Shoff is licensed and admitted to practice in the state courts of Idaho, in the United States District Court for the District of Idaho and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States. He is a member of the Idaho Mediation Association and registered as a civil case mediator through the Idaho Supreme Court.


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