Who We Are
Quienes Somos
How We Began
Davillier Law Group (DLG) was founded in 2008 by Daniel E. Davillier as a boutique business law firm in downtown New Orleans, Louisiana. The firm quickly established a reputation for quality and expanded to include litigation services to its clients in 2012. Supported by a group of seasoned attorneys and paraprofessionals, DLG provides legal services related to general commercial transactions, particularly in the areas of real estate development, public and commercial finance, mergers and acquisitions, gaming, motion picture tax credit transactions, structuring business investments for high net worth individuals, consulting services with respect to local and federal governmental relations, and an array of business and other litigation services.
The firm’s client list includes national and local real estate developers, entertainers, professional athletes, financial institutions, federal non-profit organizations, educational institutions, utility companies as well as participants in other industries, such as waste collection and green energy.

We deliver exceptional service to clients and their communities.
Davillier Law Group’s attorneys have a wide range of experience from small commercial transactions to complex, large real estate projects. We are prepared to assist you with all of your real estate and commercial transaction needs. DLG’s attorneys are trained business generalists with experience handling business litigation matters in state or federal courts.
We use our legal skills and experience to help you attain your business goals. Rather than simply informing you of why you should not take a certain course of action or approach because of the legal risks or issues, we pride ourselves on our ability to identify alternatives to obtain the desired objectives within the law while mitigating the risks to the client.
We endeavor to never identify a problem without also offering at least one proposed solution. Our approach to the provision of legal services is unique in that we make a concerted effort to form a teaming arrangement with our clients. Our clients, in turn, often view us as integral partners on their path to success. Indeed, we serve as outside general counsel for many of our small- to medium-sized business clients.
We also draw on our extensive relationships to assist our clients in obtaining information and accessing opportunities that benefit their businesses. DLG’s passion for putting the client’s business first permeates our entire firm culture. It is reflected in our commitment to extraordinary client service and in DLG’s unique approach to billing based on the value delivered to our clients.
Cómo empezamos
Davillier Law Group (DLG) fue fundado en 2008 por Daniel E. Davillier como un bufete de abogados boutique de negocios con sede en el centro de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. La firma se expandió para incluir servicios de litigio a sus clientes en 2012. DLG brinda servicios legales relacionados con transacciones comerciales generales, particularmente en las áreas de desarrollo inmobiliario, finanzas públicas y comerciales, fusiones y adquisiciones. , juegos de azar, transacciones de crédito fiscal para películas, estructuración de inversiones comerciales para personas de alto poder adquisitivo, servicios de consultoría con respecto a las relaciones gubernamentales locales y federales, y una variedad de servicios comerciales y otros servicios de litigio.
La lista de clientes de la firma incluye desarrolladores inmobiliarios nacionales y locales, artistas, atletas profesionales, instituciones financieras, organizaciones federales sin fines de lucro, instituciones educativas, empresas de servicios públicos, así como participantes en otras industrias, como la recolección de desechos y la energía verde.

Brindamos un servicio excepcional a los clientes y sus comunidades.
Los abogados de Davillier Law Group tienen una amplia gama de experiencia, desde transacciones comerciales pequeñas hasta proyectos inmobiliarios grandes y complejos. Estamos preparados para ayudarlo con todas sus necesidades de transacciones comerciales y de bienes raíces. Los abogados de DLG son generalistas de negocios con experiencia en asuntos de litigios comerciales en tribunales estatales o federales.
Utilizamos nuestras habilidades y experiencia legal para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos comerciales. En lugar de simplemente informarle por qué no debe tomar un determinado curso de acción o enfoque debido a los riesgos o problemas legales, nos enorgullecemos de nuestra capacidad para identificar alternativas para obtener los objetivos deseados dentro de la ley y mitigar los riesgos para el cliente.
Procuramos nunca identificar un problema sin ofrecer al menos una propuesta de solución. Nuestro enfoque para la prestación de servicios legales es único en el sentido de que hacemos un esfuerzo concertado para formar un acuerdo de equipo con nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes, a su vez, a menudo nos ven como socios integrales en su camino hacia el éxito. De hecho, servimos como asesores generales externos para muchos de nuestros clientes de pequeñas y medianas empresas.
También aprovechamos nuestras amplias relaciones para ayudar a nuestros clientes a obtener información y acceder a oportunidades que beneficien a sus negocios. La pasión de DLG por poner el negocio del cliente en primer lugar impregna toda la cultura de nuestra empresa. Se refleja en nuestro compromiso con el extraordinario servicio al cliente y en el enfoque único de facturación de DLG basado en el valor entregado a nuestros clientes.
Our Team
Our members each possess a depth of experience born from long and distinguished legal careers. With a proven track record both in and out of court, we’re confident we can surpass your expectations.
Una amplia gama de experiencias.
Cada uno de nuestros miembros posee una profunda experiencia nacida de largas y distinguidas carreras legales. Con un historial comprobado tanto dentro como fuera de los tribunales, estamos seguros de que podemos superar sus expectativas.

Daniel Davillier
Managing Member
Daniel E. Davillier is the founder of the Davillier Law Group, LLC. Prior to launching the firm, Mr. Davillier was a partner at Phelps Dunbar, LLP. He advises clients in the areas of commercial finance, commercial real estate, commodities trade transactions, general business, local governmental relations, and gaming. In connection with the film industry in Louisiana, Mr. Davillier represents financial institutions and production companies concerning film finance, tax credit, and other related matters. Mr. Davillier also represents a number of professional athletes in the NBA and NFL in connection with various commercial transactions throughout the United States (including the acquisition of businesses, the establishment of 501(c)(3) non-profit corporations, and the recovery of funds from third parties).
Mr. Davillier holds a Bachelor of Science degree in General Business from the University of New Orleans. He graduated, cum laude, from Tulane University Law School in 1994. While at Tulane, Mr. Davillier served as President of the Black Law Students Association and served on the Moot Court Board. He was also inducted into the international legal fraternity, Phi Delta Phi, and won American Jurisprudence Awards for Security Rights and Obligations II. He is a recipient of the 2011 Leadership in Law Award from the New Orleans CityBusiness publication and the 2012 Multicultural Leadership Award from the Louisiana Diversity Council.
Mr. Davillier is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association, New Orleans Bar Association, Federal Bar Association, American Bar Association, National Bar Association and the Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society. Mr. Davillier is also a graduate of the New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute, and has served on the board of the Louisiana Children’s Museum, the National Conference for Community and Justice, the New Orleans Regional Black Chamber of Commerce, and St. Augustine High School.

Daniel Davillier
Miembro Administrador
Daniel E. Davillier es el fundador de Davillier Law Group, LLC. Antes de lanzar la empresa, el Sr. Davillier fue socio de Phelps Dunbar, LLP. Asesora a clientes en las áreas de finanzas comerciales, bienes raíces comerciales, transacciones comerciales de productos básicos, negocios en general, relaciones gubernamentales locales y juegos. En relación con la industria cinematográfica en Luisiana, el Sr. Davillier representa a instituciones financieras y compañías de producción en relación con la financiación cinematográfica, créditos fiscales y otros asuntos relacionados. El Sr. Davillier también representa a varios atletas profesionales de la NBA y la NFL en relación con diversas transacciones comerciales en todo Estados Unidos (incluida la adquisición de negocios, el establecimiento de corporaciones sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) y la recuperación de fondos de terceros).
El Sr. Davillier tiene una licenciatura en Negocios Generales de la Universidad de Nueva Orleans. Se graduó cum laude de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Tulane en 1994. Mientras estuvo en Tulane, el Sr. Davillier se desempeñó como presidente de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Derecho Negros y formó parte de la Junta del Tribunal Simulado. También fue incluido en la fraternidad jurídica internacional, Phi Delta Phi, y ganó el Premio de Jurisprudencia Estadounidense por Derechos y Obligaciones de Seguridad II. Recibió el Premio al Liderazgo en Derecho 2011 de la publicación New Orleans CityBusiness y el Premio al Liderazgo Multicultural 2012 del Consejo de Diversidad de Luisiana.
El Sr. Davillier es miembro de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Luisiana, la Asociación de Abogados de Nueva Orleans, la Asociación Federal de Abogados, la Asociación de Abogados Estadounidense, la Asociación Nacional de Abogados y la Sociedad Legal Louis A. Martinet del Gran Nueva Orleans. El Sr. Davillier también se graduó del Instituto de Liderazgo Regional de Nueva Orleans y ha formado parte de la junta directiva del Museo Infantil de Luisiana, la Conferencia Nacional para la Comunidad y la Justicia, la Cámara de Comercio Regional Negra de Nueva Orleans y la Escuela Secundaria St. Augustine.

George R. Wentz, Jr.
George R. Wentz, Jr. is a member of the Davillier Law Group in New Orleans, Louisiana. Mr. Wentz received his Bachelor of Sciences degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Delaware, where he was also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his Juris Doctorate degree from Georgetown University Law Center, cum laude, in 1983. Mr. Wentz also served as the Administrative Editor of the Georgetown International Law Journal. Mr. Wentz was appointed to the Office of Policy Development of the Federal Trade Commission by President Ronald Reagan, where he analyzed the economic impact of trade laws and regulations, and developed and proposed legislative and regulatory approaches to enhance efficiency.
Mr. Wentz has over thirty years’ experience in handling complex international litigation, maritime litigation, oil and gas exploration and production matters, alternative dispute resolution, international transactions, constitutional law analysis, providing general business advice, and representing state and local governments. He has a reputation as a result oriented lawyer known for innovative thinking and problem solving. During the course of his career, Mr. Wentz has worked in most aspects of the oil and gas business, representing clients including Global Marine (now Transocean), Occidental Petroleum, BP, Marathon and Noble. Mr. Wentz has also represented CFE (power company of Mexico) in various matters. Mr. Wentz has also represented underwriters of various energy and power generation companies in large subrogation matters, including Houston Casualty Company and underwriters at Lloyd’s. He has expertise in international commodities transactions, including banking and financing related to those transactions, as well as international tax issues related to offshore banking. He also represents state and local governmental entities with regard to interaction and disputes with federal agencies with regard to public lands. He quarterbacked the production of a comprehensive constitutional analysis of Utah’s Transfer of Public Lands Act on behalf of Utah’s Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands.
Mr. Wentz is an active member of the Louisiana State Bar Association. He is a recipient of the 2008 Leadership in Law Award from New Orleans City Business Magazine. Mr. Wentz was active in pro bono work following Hurricane Katrina, where his efforts assisted in the formation of New Orleans’ public-private partnership for economic development.
Mr. Wentz is admitted to practice in the United States District Courts for the Eastern and Middle Districts of Louisiana, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the United States Supreme Court, and all Louisiana State Courts. He has also litigated cases in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, as well as in various state courts in Texas.

George R. Wentz, Jr.
George R. Wentz, Jr. es miembro del Davillier Law Group en Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. El Sr. Wentz recibió su título de Licenciado en Ciencias, magna cum laude, de la Universidad de Delaware, donde también fue miembro de Phi Beta Kappa. Recibió su título de Juris Doctor del Centro de Derecho de la Universidad de Georgetown, cum laude, en 1983. El Sr. Wentz también se desempeñó como editor administrativo del Georgetown International Law Journal. El Sr. Wentz fue designado para la Oficina de Desarrollo de Políticas de la Comisión Federal de Comercio por el Presidente Ronald Reagan, donde analizó el impacto económico de las leyes y regulaciones comerciales, y desarrolló y propuso enfoques legislativos y regulatorios para mejorar la eficiencia.
El Sr. Wentz tiene más de treinta años de experiencia en el manejo de litigios internacionales complejos, litigios marítimos, asuntos de exploración y producción de petróleo y gas, resolución alternativa de disputas, transacciones internacionales, análisis de derecho constitucional, asesoramiento comercial general y representación de gobiernos estatales y locales. Tiene reputación de ser un abogado orientado a resultados, conocido por su pensamiento innovador y resolución de problemas. Durante el transcurso de su carrera, el Sr. Wentz ha trabajado en la mayoría de los aspectos del negocio del petróleo y el gas, representando a clientes como Global Marine (ahora Transocean), Occidental Petroleum, BP, Marathon y Noble. El señor Wentz también ha representado a CFE (compañía eléctrica de México) en diversos asuntos. El Sr. Wentz también ha representado a suscriptores de varias compañías de energía y generación de energía en grandes asuntos de subrogación, incluida Houston Casualty Company y suscriptores de Lloyd’s. Tiene experiencia en transacciones internacionales de productos básicos, incluida la banca y el financiamiento relacionado con esas transacciones, así como en cuestiones fiscales internacionales relacionadas con la banca extraterritorial. También representa a entidades gubernamentales estatales y locales con respecto a la interacción y disputas con agencias federales con respecto a tierras públicas. Respaldó la producción de un análisis constitucional integral de la Ley de Transferencia de Tierras Públicas de Utah en nombre de la Comisión para la Administración de Tierras Públicas de Utah.
El Sr. Wentz es un miembro activo de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Luisiana. Recibió el Premio al Liderazgo en Derecho 2008 de la revista New Orleans City Business. El Sr. Wentz participó activamente en el trabajo pro bono después del huracán Katrina, donde sus esfuerzos ayudaron a la formación de una asociación público-privada para el desarrollo económico de Nueva Orleans.
El Sr. Wentz está autorizado para ejercer en los Tribunales de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para los Distritos Este y Medio de Luisiana, el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Quinto Circuito de los Estados Unidos, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos y todos los Tribunales Estatales de Luisiana. También ha litigado casos en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Florida, así como en varios tribunales estatales de Texas.

Mauricio Cardona
Mauricio Cardona is a member of the Davillier Law Group in our Sandpoint, Idaho office. He practices in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, exempted securities, FCPA compliance, due diligence for complex commercial transactions, energy law, government law, as well as general business advice. Mr. Cardona has helped clients structure offerings that raised tens of millions of dollars, conducted due diligence for multimillion dollar international transactions, conducted internal investigations for multinational companies facing FCPA compliance issues, and helped numerous businesses to establish governance protocols and management companies to reduce owner exposure.
Mr. Cardona received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Iowa College of Law where he received the University of Iowa’s Philip G. Hubbard Human Rights Award for his work to establish the Center for Worker Justice. He also received the Dean’s Award in Contracts and Sales Transactions and worked as an Immigration Fellow at the University of Iowa’s Legal Clinic. He interned with Briggs and Morgan and Excel Energy in Minneapolis. Mr. Cardona also served on the Dean’s Advisory Council on Diversity, the Pro Bono Society, as the president of the Latino Law Student Association and vice president of the International Law Society.
Mr. Cardona holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Colorado and a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Bradley University. Before his legal studies he worked as an account executive for an international manufacturing company with significant exposure to GSA programs and compliance. Mr. Cardona was also a project coordinator for a design-build contractor specializing in the energy industry and proof of concept facilities. During that time Mr. Cardona developed a reputation for his customer-centered approach and ability to coordinate design, manufacturing, delivery and after sale services for his clients.
After receiving his Juris Doctor, Mr. Cardona became a staff attorney for a Christian non-profit representing clients in immigration proceedings. He then joined the Dane County District Attorney’s Office where he prosecuted thousands of cases and tried over thirty of them, ranging from non-criminal Operating While Intoxicated to the biggest Possession with Intent to Deliver synthetic cannabinoids case in Wisconsin’s history. Mr. Cardona also represented the State in Dane County’s Operating While Intoxicated and Diversion Drug specialty courts.
Currently Mr. Cardona is a Commissioner in the Idaho Governor’s Commission on Hispanic Affairs, a board member of the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club and Bonner Classical Academy, the Vice President of the Sandpoint Community Resource Envision Center, and a founding member and Vice President of the Idaho St. Thomas More Society.
Mr. Cardona is licensed in Idaho and admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the District of Idaho, in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and in Idaho state courts, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States. He is a member of the Idaho Mediation Association, is registered as a civil case mediator through the Idaho Supreme Court, and is a FINRA arbitrator.
Mr. Cardona is a native Spanish speaker and fluent in English.

Mauricio Cardona
Mauricio Cardona es miembro de Davillier Law Group en nuestra oficina de Sandpoint, Idaho. Practica en las áreas de litigios civiles y comerciales, valores exentos, cumplimiento de la FCPA, debida diligencia para transacciones comerciales complejas, derecho energético, derecho gubernamental, así como asesoramiento comercial general. El Sr. Cardona ha ayudado a sus clientes a estructurar ofertas que recaudaron decenas de millones de dólares, realizó diligencias debidas para transacciones internacionales multimillonarias, realizó investigaciones internas para empresas multinacionales que enfrentan problemas de cumplimiento de la FCPA y ayudó a numerosas empresas a establecer protocolos de gobernanza y empresas de gestión para reducir el riesgo de propietarios. exposición.
El Sr. Cardona recibió su Doctorado en Jurisprudencia de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Iowa, donde recibió el Premio Philip G. Hubbard de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Iowa por su trabajo para establecer el Centro para la Justicia Laboral. También recibió el Premio del Decano en Contratos y Transacciones de Venta y trabajó como becario de inmigración en la Clínica Legal de la Universidad de Iowa. Hizo una pasantía en Briggs and Morgan y Excel Energy en Minneapolis. El Sr. Cardona también formó parte del Consejo Asesor sobre Diversidad del Decano, la Sociedad Pro Bono, como presidente de la Asociación Latina de Estudiantes de Derecho y vicepresidente de la Sociedad de Derecho Internacional.
El Sr. Cardona tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Colorado y una Licenciatura en Ciencias en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad Bradley. Antes de estudiar derecho, trabajó como ejecutivo de cuentas para una empresa manufacturera internacional con una exposición significativa a los programas y el cumplimiento de GSA. El Sr. Cardona también fue coordinador de proyectos para un contratista de diseño y construcción especializado en la industria energética e instalaciones de prueba de concepto. Durante ese tiempo, el Sr. Cardona desarrolló una reputación por su enfoque centrado en el cliente y su capacidad para coordinar el diseño, la fabricación, la entrega y los servicios posventa para sus clientes.
Después de recibir su Juris Doctor, el Sr. Cardona se convirtió en abogado de una organización cristiana sin fines de lucro que representa a clientes en procedimientos de inmigración. Luego se unió a la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Dane, donde procesó miles de casos y juzgó más de treinta de ellos, desde operaciones no criminales en estado de ebriedad hasta el mayor caso de posesión con intención de entregar cannabinoides sintéticos en la historia de Wisconsin. El Sr. Cardona también representó al Estado en los Tribunales Especializados en Operaciones en Estado de Ebriedad y en Drogas de Desvío del Condado de Dane.
Actualmente, el Sr. Cardona es comisionado de la Comisión de Asuntos Hispanos del Gobernador de Idaho, miembro de la junta directiva del Sandpoint Kiwanis Club y de la Bonner Classical Academy, vicepresidente del Sandpoint Community Resource Envision Center y miembro fundador y vicepresidente de la Sociedad St. Thomas More de Idaho.
El Sr. Cardona tiene licencia en Idaho y está autorizado para ejercer en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Idaho, en el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito y en los tribunales estatales de Idaho, así como en la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos. Es miembro de la Asociación de Mediación de Idaho, está registrado como mediador de casos civiles ante la Corte Suprema de Idaho y es árbitro de FINRA.
El Sr. Cardona es un hablante nativo de español y habla inglés con fluidez.

Charles F. Zimmer II
Charles F. Zimmer II is the Head of the Litigation Practice Group in the New Orleans, Louisiana office. Mr. Zimmer has guided multi-national and closely held companies away from risk and eliminated threats through successful litigation and negotiation for over 20 years. His litigation experience includes extensive complex and commercial litigation in federal and state courts, including MDL, class, and mass individual actions. Those matters cover a wide breadth of business litigation from routine business contract and labor disputes to federal antitrust class actions as well as financial fraud litigation and professional accounting defense of a Big Four accounting firm. Mr. Zimmer has extensive experience leading skilled teams from the inception of the dispute, through discovery and trial and on to argument before the courts of appeal.
In addition to representing businesses, Charles is a business owner, inventor, and patent holder. Having lived the role of both client and counsel, Charles understands the need to provide efficient, quality work clients can trust without exception.
Mr. Zimmer is a Tulane Law School graduate (J.D.), and majored in accounting (B.S.) at Louisiana State University. Although he does not practice public accounting, Charles has passed all sections of the national Uniform Certified Public Accounting Examination. He is admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court, the State Courts of Louisiana, the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal, and the federal district courts of Louisiana.
Some of the reported matters Charles has worked on include the following:
Odell Beckham, Jr. and Royalty Only v. Nike USA, 22CV38822, Fourth Judicial District Circuit Court of Oregon, 2023 Ore. Cir. LEXIS 1009 (re: breach of endorsement contract)
Metro Serv. Grp. v. Waste Connections Bayou, Inc., United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 2023, 2023 U.S. App. LEXIS 21278, 2023 WL 5235222 (re: breach of contract)
In re City of New Orleans, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 2023, 2023 U.S. App. LEXIS 15448 (re: petition for writ of mandamus in DOJ consent decree)
Taylor v. HD & Assocs., L.L.C., United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 2022; 45 F.4th 833 (re: bona fide commission exemption from FLSA overtime requirements)
Lemoine Co., LLC v. Ernest N. Morial Exhibition Hall Auth., 2022-0217 (La. App. 4 Cir. 04/12/23); 369 So. 3d 39, 41 (re: construction management at risk (CMAR) bid law challenge)
Fraino v. Malachi S. Hull & Define Your Image, LLC, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, 2023, 2023 La. App. LEXIS 133 (re: breach of oral contract)
NuMSP, LLC v. St. Etienne, US District Court Cases United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 2020, 462 F. Supp. 3d 330 (re: arbitration provisions of non-compete agreement)
W&T Offshore, L.L.C. v. Tex. Brine Corp., Court of Appeal of Louisiana, First Circuit, 2018; 250 So. 3d 97 (re: pipeline servitude rights)
Vieux Carre Comm’n Found. v. City of New Orleans, 2017-CA-0527 (La. App. 4 Cir. 1/31/2018) 2018 La. App. LEXIS 171 (re: VCC building permit approval process)
GE v. West Feliciana Parish Hosp. Serv. Dist. No. 1, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 164214 (E.D. La. 11/29/2016) (re: public bid law)
ETI, Inc. v. Buck Steel, Inc., 2016-CA-0602, 211 So. 3d 439, 441 (La. App. 4 Cir. 2/1/2017) (re: construction defects)
Bartholomew-Woods v. Wilson, 2016-1163 (La.App. 4 Cir. 11/04/16) 2016 La. App. LEXIS 2494, 204 So. 3d 639 (re: election challenge)
Palmer Ventures LLC v. Deutsche Bank AG, 254 F. App’x 426, 427 (5th Cir. 2007) (re: professional accounting defense)
Louisiana Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis, et al., Docket No. 07-7343, U.S.D.C. S.D.N.Y. (re: Arava antitrust litigation)
In re Stericycle, Inc., Steri-Safe Contract Litig., 7th Circuit – US District Court Cases United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division Mar 08, 2018 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 226639
Lamorak Ins. Co. v. Huntington Ingalls, Inc., 5th Circuit – US District Court Cases United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana Oct 03, 2016 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 136829

Charles F. Zimmer II
Charles F. Zimmer II es el Jefe del Grupo de Práctica de Litigios en la oficina de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. El Sr. Zimmer ha alejado a empresas multinacionales y cerradas del riesgo y ha eliminado amenazas mediante litigios y negociaciones exitosos durante más de 20 años. Su experiencia en litigios incluye extensos litigios comerciales y complejos en tribunales federales y estatales, incluidas acciones MDL, colectivas y individuales masivas. Esos asuntos cubren una amplia gama de litigios comerciales, desde contratos comerciales de rutina y disputas laborales hasta demandas colectivas federales antimonopolio, así como litigios por fraude financiero y defensa contable profesional de una firma contable de las Cuatro Grandes. El Sr. Zimmer tiene una amplia experiencia liderando equipos capacitados desde el inicio de la disputa, pasando por el descubrimiento y el juicio, hasta el argumento ante los tribunales de apelación.
Además de representar a empresas, Charles es propietario de una empresa, inventor y titular de patentes. Habiendo vivido el papel de cliente y abogado, Charles comprende la necesidad de brindar un trabajo eficiente y de calidad en el que los clientes puedan confiar sin excepción.
El Sr. Zimmer se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho de Tulane (J.D.) y se especializó en contabilidad (B.S.) en la Universidad Estatal de Luisiana. Aunque no ejerce la contabilidad pública, Charles aprobó todas las secciones del Examen Nacional Uniforme de Contabilidad Pública Certificada. Está autorizado para ejercer la abogacía ante la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, los Tribunales Estatales de Luisiana, el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Quinto Circuito de los Estados Unidos y los tribunales de distrito federal de Luisiana.
Algunos de los asuntos reportados en los que Charles ha trabajado incluyen los siguientes:
- W&T Offshore, L.L.C. contra Tex. Brine Corp., 2018-0950 (La. 26/06/19) 2019 La. LEXIS 1582; 2019 WL 2750884 (re: derechos de servidumbre en tuberías)
- Vieux Carré Comm’n encontrado. contra la ciudad de Nueva Orleans, 2017-CA-0527 (La. App. 4 Cir. 31/01/2018) 2018 La. App. LEXIS 171 (re: proceso de aprobación del permiso de construcción)
- GE contra West Feliciana Parish Hosp. Serv. Dist. No. 1, 2016 Distrito de EE. UU. LEXIS 164214 (E.D. La. 29/11/2016) (re: disputa sobre ley de licitaciones públicas)
- ETI, Inc. contra Buck Steel, Inc., 2016-CA-0602, 211 So. 3d 439, 441 (La. App. 4 Cir. 1/2/2017) (re: defectos de construcción)
- Bartholomew-Woods contra Wilson, 2016-1163 (La.App. 4 Cir. 04/11/16) 2016 La. App. LEXIS 2494, 204 Entonces. 3d 639 (re: desafío electoral)
- Moon Ventures, L.L.C. contra KPMG, L.L.P., 06-1520 (La.App. 3 Cir. 15/08/07) 964 So. 2d 446, 447, 2007 La. App. LEXIS 1553 (re: defensa contable profesional)
- Two Canal St. Investors, Inc. contra New Orleans Bldg. Corp., 2016-0825 (La.App. 4 Cir. 23/09/16) 202 Entonces. 3d 1003, 1006, 2016 La. Ap. LEXIS 1791 (re: impugnación de licitación pública)
- Louisiana Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. contra Sanofi-Aventis y otros, expediente n.º 07-7343, U.S.D.C. S.D.N.Y. (re: litigio antimonopolio de Arava)
- Almirante Ins. Co. contra Abshire, 574 F.3d 267 (U.S. 5th Cir. 2009); también, 09-30121, U.S. 5th Cir. 2009 (re: regulación de inversiones fraudulentas)
Our team is bolstered by insight from a broad and varied range of hands-on experience.

Tanner Lemke
Of Counsel
Jim Sabalos
Special Counsel

Kurt Schwab
Head of the Estate Planning Practice Group

Richard H. Seamon
Special Counsel

Allen Shoff
Senior Associate

Albert A. Thibodeaux
Special Counsel
Nuestro equipo se ve reforzado por el conocimiento de una amplia y variada gama de experiencia práctica.

Tanner Lemke
Of Counsel
Jim Sabalos
Special Counsel

Kurt Schwab
Head of the Estate Planning Practice Group

Richard H. Seamon
Special Counsel

Allen Shoff
Senior Associate

Albert A. Thibodeaux
Special Counsel

Dominique Davillier
Dominique Davillier is a skilled legal professional with a focus on business, labor, employment, and constitutional law, coupled with a steadfast dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). She earned a BBA in International Business with a focus on Marketing from Howard University, followed by a JD and an LLM in Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law from the University of Miami School of Law.
Dominique’s career began at the crossroads of business and sports law, where she developed expertise in contract negotiations and brand partnerships. During her internship at William Morris Endeavor in their Business Affairs department, she helped craft legal strategies to support business growth and talent representation. Her externship with the Women’s National Basketball Players Association (WNBPA) expanded her understanding of labor law, advocacy, and the protection of athlete rights, focusing on brand development and sponsorship deals.
A proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Dominique’s commitment to DEI and constitutional law is evident in her scholarship and work. She earned first place in the Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyer Association’s scholarship competition for her research on constitutional principles that promote equity in the music industry, particularly for rap artists. Her article, “The Rap-to-Prison Pipeline and the Erasure of Black Rappers,” published in the ABA’s Entertainment and Sports Lawyer journal, explores the intersection of civil rights and constitutional law in the music industry.
Dominique has successfully taken the New York bar exam and is awaiting admission. She aspires to foster an inclusive and equitable environment in the legal, business, and entertainment sectors.

Jonathon D. Lewis
Senior Associate
Jonathon D. Lewis is an associate attorney in the New Orleans office of Davillier Law Group. He is a 2012 graduate of Loyola University with a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice, and a 2016 graduate of Loyola University New Orleans College of Law with a focus in Civil Law Division, Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Technology. His practice focuses primarily on general commercial litigation and, more specifically, in products liability, toxic torts, construction, intellectual property/trademark infringement and insurance defense related matters.
Mr. Lewis’ legal experience further involves immediate response, assessment and defense of catastrophic incidents and natural disasters. In addition to his litigation practice, he has also represented numerous clients in the entertainment business in contractual negotiations and in the areas of trademark, copyright and other general entertainment law practice concerns. Mr. Lewis has handled and resolved matters for individual performers, record labels and their representatives.
While in law school, Jonathan was an active member of the Student Bar Association, Black Law Student Association, Sports & Entertainment Law Society and Student Ambassadors. He also was an active member of the Loyola Moot Court Program and served as an Oralist for the Civil Rights & Liberties moot court team.
Mr. Lewis is active in the New Orleans community and passionate about charity work. He is also an active member of his local church and other community service organizations. Jonathan is a youth mentor with the Son of A Saint organization, committee chair and member of the Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, active member of the New Orleans Bar Association, and a member of the Young Leadership Council of New Orleans.
Mr. Lewis is licensed and admitted to practice in all Louisiana State and Federal courts.

Collin J. Ligori
Collin J. Ligori is an associate attorney in the New Orleans office of Davillier Law Group. He is a 2015 graduate of Brother Martin High School where he was a member of Student Council and elected Senior Class President. In 2019, he graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing, and a Minor in Communications with a concentration in Professional Sales.
During his time at LSU, Mr. Ligori was a member of the Dean’s List, the LSU Professional Sales Institute’s Sales Team, and the Sigma Nu Fraternity. During his summer and winter breaks, Collin interned with Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP and Crescent Drilling & Production, Inc. as a legal intern.
After graduating from LSU in 2019, Mr. Ligori attended law school at Southern University Law Center (SULC). As a member of the SULC Criminal Clinic, Mr. Ligori was tasked with managing a multitude of cases for the public defender’s office. Weekly, Collin would attend criminal court at the 19th Judicial District Court of East Baton Rouge Parish to advocate for his clients. In May of 2023, Mr. Ligori graduated from SULC, then went on to pass the Louisiana Bar in October of that year.
Mr. Ligori has since begun his professional career as an Associate Attorney for the Davillier Law Group. He is currently an active member of the Louisiana Bar Association. As a lifelong New Orleanian, Mr. Ligori seeks to serve the community that has so graciously served him.
Mr. Ligori is licensed and admitted to practice in all Louisiana State and Federal courts.

Veronica Lucero
Senior Associate
Veronica Lucero is a senior associate in Davillier’s Phoenix office. An experienced litigator, she has practiced at both the trial court and appellate levels. Veronica received her law degree from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at ASU, where she was a member of the law review and Federalist Society. Upon graduation, Veronica joined the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation, where she enjoyed success on high-profile constitutional matters, including Schires v. Carlat, the first case she developed and litigated as lead attorney and for which she drafted the successful petition for review. She then left the Goldwater Institute to pursue a mid-career clerkship at the Arizona Supreme Court before joining Davillier.

Richard H. Seamon
Special Counsel
Richard H. Seamon serves as Special Counsel to Davillier Law Group, LLC, and is also a fulltime professor at the College of Law, University of Idaho. As a distinguished practitioner, Mr. Seamon has over 30 years’ experience litigating matters in federal courts and federal agencies, including matters before the U.S. Supreme Court, where he has presented oral argument several times. Professor Seamon has published law review articles and also co-authored a book on practice before the U.S. Supreme Court: The Supreme Court Sourcebook (Aspen Pub. 2013) (with A. Siegel, J. Thai & K. Watts). He teaches both administrative law and constitutional law courses, and has previously taught civil procedure, criminal procedure, federal courts, and U.S. Supreme Court practice.
Mr. Seamon earned a B.A. and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University, where he was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. He received his J.D. from Duke Law School in 1986, graduating as a member of the Order of the Coif. Mr. Seamon served as a federal law clerk to Kenneth W. Starr, then a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Following his clerkship, Mr. Seamon was an associate with the law firm of Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C., before becoming an Assistant to the Solicitor General in the U.S. Department of Justice. In his first two years in that position, he served under then-Solicitor General Starr and then-Principal Deputy Solicitor General John G. Roberts, Jr. (now the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court).
Mr. Seamon is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar, and is admitted to practice in the District of Columbia.

Allen Shoff
Senior Associate
Allen J. Shoff is a senior associate with the Davillier Law Group in our Sandpoint, Idaho office. He practices in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, constitutional law, government law, land use and real estate. Mr. Shoff received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Idaho College of Law. During his time at the College of Law, he was an active member of the Federalist Society, serving a term as the Vice President for Advertising and Marketing, and interned at the Clearwater County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for two years. Mr. Shoff holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Hillsdale College.
After completing his legal studies, Mr. Shoff served for approximately five years as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Canyon County, Idaho, with two years as criminal prosecutor and three as a civil attorney representing the Board of County Commissioners and their departments. During his time at Canyon County he prosecuted several thousand cases and took multiple to trial, while serving as co-counsel and primary author for motion practice on several major felonies and civil litigation.
Mr. Shoff left Canyon County at the opportunity to move to the beautiful Sandpoint area, working for several months in private practice before co-founding an Idaho-based web design and hosting firm. He started with the Davillier Law Group in 2021.
Mr. Shoff is licensed and admitted to practice in the state courts of Idaho, in the United States District Court for the District of Idaho and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States. He is a member of the Idaho Mediation Association and registered as a civil case mediator through the Idaho Supreme Court.

Jim Sabalos
Special Counsel
James Sabalos was born in Newport, R.I. He attended the University of Arizona in the College of Business and Public Administration and graduated with distinction. He was the only recipient of the College’s Phi Kappa Phi academic Honors Award when he graduated in three years. He completed his Master’s degree the following year and then attended The Ohio State University to begin his coursework for a Ph. D. that next year in Public Finance.
Upon graduation from law school, he subsequently received a White House appointment to become Legal Advisor to Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission participating in hundreds of electric utility and pipeline rate and certification cases reviewed by the Chairman and Commission. He then joined the United States Justice Department working for then Assistant Attorney General William B. Reynolds in his Office’s Special Litigation Unit participating in civil and criminal litigation, nationwide. Several years later, James was appointed by the Attorney General to become an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Houston, Texas-Criminal Division where he prosecuted mail, wire and banking fraud cases including witness tampering-murder cases, money laundering, federal procurement fraud, “FCPA” cases and public corruption. James was recruited by the firm Vinson & Elkins and joined its business litigation section in Houston, also handling White-Collar cases for the firm in Houston, Dallas and its other offices. He later joined two other firms, before starting his own law firm with offices in California, Nevada and Texas.
He served for years as an Adjunct Law Professor for the University of Houston Law School and at Rice University’s Graduate Business School. He has taught many courses including energy law, white collar crime, evidence, business organizations and management for executives. He has lectured at numerous courses for lawyers and written articles on various civil and criminal litigation topics. He also received the highest award given to a Texas Lawyer by the College of the State Bar early in his career.
His practice encompasses litigation and has tried cases for clients or law firms on behalf of their clients in more than 22 states involving business litigation, torts, anti-trust, securities litigation among other claims. James is a member of the State Bars of Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, the District of Columbia and many U.S. District and Appellate Courts nationwide. He is married to his wife he met while attending law school who is, herself, an accomplished securities attorney. They have one son, Gibson Maxamillian Sabalos, who is a pre-med student at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts majoring in Chemistry. James joined the firm in early 2023 and is co-manager of the Phoenix Office.

Kurt Schwab
Head of the Estate Planning Practice Group
Kurt Schwab is a proud native of Idaho. Kurt studied at Utah State University where he graduated with a B.A. in Political Science and a B.A. in History. After graduation he worked in Texas and Washington, D.C. before commencing his legal education at the University of Idaho College of Law. There he pursued his Juris Doctorate with an emphasis in litigation. He won a place on the school’s Trial Team where he competed in the national competition in Seattle, WA, and St. Louis, MO. In addition, Kurt competed on the school’s appellate team which competed in a national competition in New York City.
Upon graduation from law school, Kurt opened a private practice in Twin Falls, Idaho. There he successfully represented the residents of Magic Valley both in and out of the courtroom. He was recognized by the Idaho State Bar in 2016 for his volunteer legal work for senior citizens, receiving the Denise O’Donnell Day Pro Bono Award. He joined Post Falls Law in 2018, became a senior partner, and in 2021 started Post Falls Estate Planning and Probate.
Kurt is passionate about the law and the rights provided by the legal system. He volunteers in his church and loves to spend time with his family. He loves northern Idaho and its people and is happy to have the opportunity of serving this great community.

Albert A. Thibodeaux
Special Counsel
Albert A. Thibodeaux has been Of Counsel to Davillier Law Group, LLC since March 2012. Mr. Thibodeaux is a seasoned trial attorney with over fifteen years of civil litigation experience before numerous state and federal courts in Louisiana. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Thibodeaux served as the Chief Deputy City Attorney for the City of New Orleans from August 2002 to July 2010. As Chief Deputy City Attorney, Mr. Thibodeaux supervised the General Litigation Division and served as lead trial attorney on several high profile cases, including the City’s Hurricane Katrina insurance litigation. Prior to his appointment as Chief Deputy City Attorney, Mr. Thibodeaux served as a Staff Attorney for the Housing Authority of New Orleans from April 2001 to July 2002, and as an Assistant City Attorney for the City of New Orleans assigned to the Federal/Police Litigation Division from April 1997 to April 2001. Mr. Thibodeaux left the City of New Orleans Law Department in July 2010 to start a full service law firm with a concentration in the areas of commercial litigation, insurance law, municipal law, casualty defense, personal injury law, real estate law, and successions.
Mr. Thibodeaux is a 1996 graduate of Tulane University Law School. While attending Tulane, Mr. Thibodeaux was a student attorney in the Civil Litigation Clinic. He also served as a Law Clerk in the State Farm Insurance In-House Claims Litigation Counsel Group and as a Senior Law Clerk in the City of New Orleans Law Department. Mr. Thibodeaux was also a member of the Student Bar Association and served as Vice-President of the Black Law Student’s Association.
Mr. Thibodeaux is a 1991 graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana’s Division of Education, where he received a Bachelor of Art in Social Studies Education. While attending Xavier University, Mr. Thibodeaux was selected to study at Columbia University’s Teachers’ College in the summer of 1989. Upon graduating from Xavier University, he accepted a position as an Instructor and Department Chairperson at Xavier University Preparatory High School, where he served from August 1991 to May 1993.
In addition to his full time litigation practice, Mr. Thibodeaux is a professor of Business Law at Xavier University of Louisiana in the Division of Business. He has been Magistrate Commissioner of Orleans Parish Criminal District Court since January, 2014. He is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association, Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, New Orleans Bar Association, New Orleans Black Chamber of Commerce and the St. Augustine High School Alumni Advisory Board.
Support Staff
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Personal de Apoyo
Nuestros abogados confían en nuestro personal de apoyo diligente y calificado para realizar su mejor esfuerzo.

Solai Wyman
Office Manager
Yuka Weisgerber
Jade Baillie

David Prichard
IT Director
Mark Nugent
Denya Ricks

Victoria Smith
Research Assistant

Christian Face
Research Assistant

Solai Wyman
Office Manager
Yuka Weisgerber
Jade Baillie
Legal Secretary

David Prichard
IT Director
Mark Nugent
Denya Ricks

Victoria Smith
Research Assistant

Christian Face
Research Assistant